Mar 20, 2009

Stay Healthy on the Inside

I saw this ad in the newspaper for a Lecture on the discussion of staying healthy and living well in recognition of National Nutrition Month. (I didn't even know March was National Nutrition month...)

So I decided I am going to attend the lecture next week Tuesday (March 24th, 2009 - 6 pm to 7:30 pm) at NYU Langone Medical Center. I am really looking forward to joining in on the discussion. The benefits of healthy nutrition, yoga and new exercise techniques are all up for discussion. The presenters are Jennifer Crum, MS, RD, Supportive Services Program, NYC Clinical Cancer Center and Laurelle Kilmartin, DPT, CLT-LANA, CSCS, Senior Physical Therapist.

I am currently in the mental preparation stage of changing the way I eat and adding exercise to my daily routine so that I can practice a more healthy lifestyle. And YES I DID say mental preparation stage! :-) We are talking about changing years and years of not so good habits that I have adapted through out my life time!

If anyone is interested in attending let me know and I can give you the RSVP information.

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