Nov 15, 2009

relaxing sunday

i had a zen like spa day today, it was so therapeutic, definitely needed it!

i woke up this morning, went shopping for a hair mask and some henna then also purchased some fresh raspberries.

came home gave myself the henna treatment, then ate the raspberries - they were semi sour/semi sweet, i enjoyed the blending of the two extreme flavors in one! delicious!

washed out the henna treatment (which by the way was my first time ever using henna, I believe henna is a gift from the gods of natural beauty!)

then it was time to deep condition my hair.

i sipped on some orange juice as my hair soaked in the elixir (hair mask) and then began watching the nanny diaries (cute sunday movie!)...

i still have approx 5 more hours until bedtime, when I rinse out the beauty elixir i'm going to take a luxurious shower using a salt scrub and try out my new vicki C's shea butter cream! can't wait...

until next time SMOOCHES! xoxox

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